Resilience Academy begins with a group of dedicated problem-solvers
Extended team from local University partners in Tanzania and International partners around the world who are enthusiast to understand Resilience for Urban Changes.
From each University partner, the team is divided according to the Resilience Academy components for geospatial database, online courses and internship progrem in order to create young community that has skills and knowledge with free access of training materials at the same time be able to produce data and data scenarios that answers city resilience challenges.
The Secretariat
Dr. Mercy Mbise
University of Dar es Salaam
Dr. Abubakar Bakar
State University of Zanzibar
Dr. George Matto
Moshi Cooperative University
Prof. Niina Kayhko
University of Turku
Dr. Zakaria Ngereja
Ardhi University
Dr. Ernest Mauya
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Msilikale Msilanga
University of Turku
CRD and digital assets leads
Massoud Hamad
State University of Zanzibar
Venla Aaltonen
University of Turku
All other experts
Antero Järvi
University of Turku
Khairiya Masoud
State University of Zanzibar
Hassan Omar
State University of Zanzibar
Happiness Huka
Moshi Cooperative University
Dr. Mary Khatib
State University of Zanzibar
Dr. Zahor K. Zahor
University of Dar es Salaam
Cosmas John
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Nelly Babere
Ardhi University
Hessel Winsemius
Delft University of Technology
Dr. Mahadia Tunga
University of Dar es Salaam
Olli Jalonen
University of Turku
Gideon Marandu
Ardhi University
Sanna Maki
University of Turku
Theofrida Julius
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Dr. Wulystan Mtega
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Dr. Dorothea Deus
Ardhi University
Jeroen Verplanke
University of Twente
Amedeus Raphael Kimaro
Ardhi University
Dr. Juma Lungo
University of Dar es Salaam
Dr. Jukka Käyhkö
University of Turku