Two Hundred Subwards of Dar es Salaam to be Mapped by University Students in the Next Six Weeks
[:en]On the 23rd of July 2018, Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team (HOT) began scaling up the World Bank funded Dar Ramani Huria project, training over 400 students who will map flood hazards in Dar es Salaam.
This year Ramani Huria is working with students from the University of Dar es Salaam and Ardhi University, aiming to extend to other universities in following years such as Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro and the State University of Zanzibar. The students participating in this summer’s program are from diverse academic backgrounds, including participants studying Urban Planning, Geomatics, Community Development, Environmental Science, Geography and Environmental Studies.
The increasing hazards of climate change, rapid urbanisation and population growth, are all contributing to increased flooding in Dar es Salaam, a situation which is set to escalate as the population expands from the current five million people to almost double in the next ten years. This tremendous increase in population growth has resulted in a city comprised of over 70% informal, unplanned settlements, with a significant number of lower income inhabitants living in hazardous areas i.e. along major flood zones such as the Kibangu, Msimbazi and Ng’ombe rivers.
Particularly for vulnerable populations, such as those living along the flood plains of Dar es Salaam, the need to be on a map is crucial. Mapping vulnerable communities proves their existence, their rights and their needs. By training local students to add to the map, we are empowering them, as future decision makers, planners and engineers, with new tools and knowledge, to make sure that every inhabitant is counted.
“To be on a map is to be acknowledged, is to be known, is to be recognised, is to be counted. It is for the world to know that you are there and that you have needs, that you have dignity, and that you have rights.” – Ivan Gayton, HOT Tanzania Country Manager

This summer, Ramani Huria will map 44 wards – about 200 subwards of the city – affected by floods in Dar es Salaam. To achieve this, more than 400 students will be trained to use simple and economical tools to map. The mapping will be done by conducting community meetings in these subwards and allowing community members and ward/subward leaders to identify assets (things that are important to them), threats (things that the community thinks may flood if the hazard continues unabated) and issues that contribute to flooding in their subward. A report on the pilot community meetings for this project can be found here.
The training kick off took place at the University of Dar es Salaam’s College of Information and Communication Technologies (COICT) Kijitonyama. Originally, 350 students were expected to join, but almost 600 hundred students arrived to join the programme. At first, it was a bit challenging to respond to the extra number of students, especially for the management team, but it was amazing to see such a big group of people interested in the project.
Introduction of the Project
The project was introduced to students by World Bank Community Engagement Consultant Nyambiri Kimacha, who mentioned how important the project is to the communities directly affected floods in the city and the students who are learning new technologies and simple mapping tools. She also showed her gratitude to the students who had signed up to the training,
“It is amazing to see all of these students (600) coming together to map the city to help in flood resilience.” – Nyambiri Kimacha, World Bank Community Engagement Consultant
HOT Tanzania Country Manager Ivan Gayton introduced students to the different activities that Ramani Huria is doing including drone development of a quadcopter, drainage mapping, elevation measurements and community outreach events. He motivated students to work together in helping the community in need who are affected by flooding, and also inspired them to learn new skills and develop their career goals.

“If you have seen how many people are affected by floods you will do community mapping for free! And with passion.” – Ivan Gayton, HOT Tanzania Country Manager
Briefing of Tools and Software
After this welcoming note from both HOT and the World Bank, students were introduced to the community mapping methods, open data and open software that are used for Ramani Huria. They learnt the importance of using open data in humanitarian response and how the international community that is utilising open data is expanding. Examples of the open software that Ramani Huria uses for data collection, processing and map production was introduced, including OpenDataKit (ODK), OpenMapKit (OMK), QGIS, and JOSM.

Students were introduced to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) platform, an online database that is a free, editable map being built by its users. OSM stores enormous amounts of data which is collected by local communities and remote mappers across the world .
“OSM data is from the (global OSM) community. OSM is owned by the community. You are the community, feel proud to be part of this community.” – Iddy Chazua, HOT Tanzania GIS Specialist
We had a lot of tweets coming out from students with the tag #communitymapping about the training. The tweets demonstrated how excited the students were to be part of the OSM community.

After the first day of orientation to the project, the students moved to the main training venue at Ardhi University, one of the key partners on the Ramani Huria project through which many student mappers have previously been recruited. The students were split into groups to receive more training. There are now six groups of about 100 students each with a diverse range of ages, genders and academic studies. Each group is led by one senior supervisor and three junior supervisors.
During the first week of training there was an introduction training on different software and applications that we use in mapping.
The software included, JOSM, OSM, and HOT Tasking Manager, OpenDataKit (ODK) & OpenMapKit (OMK).

Using ODK and OMK is an easier way to collect enormous amounts of data since most students own android phones. These two applications (ODK & OMK) will be used by students to collect information in the field. Students have been learning practically how to collect field data using ODK and OMK, and have also been trained on how to create surveys on ODK to make them have a clear understanding on how the questions have been developed and deployed.

In celebration of World Clean Up Day which will be celebrated for the first time in Tanzania on the 15th of September 2018, students will map trash in the city (mapping all formal and informal waste points in the city) using ODK. Ramani Huria will map trash in the city in collaboration with Nipe Fagio the appointed lead partner in Tanzania by the Let’s Do It Global Foundation, for what has been called ‘the largest positive civic lead movement in world history’, with the aim to unite 5% of the global population in a one-day cleanup action, and making a plan to keep it clean. This will be the first real field experience for the students before commencing on mapping the 44 flood-prone wards of Dar es Salaam.
We will keep you updated on the progress of this large group of motivated students and the progress they are making in mapping a more flood resilient future for Dar es Salaam.
Mnamo tarehe 23 mwezi Julai 2018 shirika la Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team (HOT) lilianza upanuzi wa mradi wa Ramani Huria unaofadhiliwa na benki ya dunia, kwa kufanya mafunzo kwa wanafuzi zaidi ya 400 ambao watatengeneza ramani za maeneo yenye hatari ya kukumbwa na mafuriko jijini Dar es Salaam.
Mwaka huu Ramani Huria inafanya kazi na wanafunzi kutoka Chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam na Chuo kikuu cha Ardhi, na inalenga kufanya kazi na vyuo vingine miaka ijayo kama Chuo cha kilimo Sokoine kilichopo Morogoro na Chuo kikuu cha Jimbo la Zanzibar. Wanafunzi wanao shiriki katika mafunzo haya wanatoka katika taaluma tofafuti tofauti kama vile Mipango miji, Geomatics, Maendeleo ya jamii, sayansi ya mazingira na taaluma ya Jograrafia na mazingira.
Kuongezeka kwa maafa yatokanayo na mabadiliko ya tabia nchi, kasi ya ukuaji wa miji na ongezeko kubwa la watu, vyote vinachangia ongezeko kubwa la mafuriko Dar es salaam, hali ambayo inaonekana kuenea kutokana na ongezeko kubwa la watu kutoka milioni tano waliopo sasa hadi mara mbili yake katika kipindi cha miaka kumi ijayo. Ongezeko hili kubwa la watu imesababisha zaidi ya asilimia 70 ya makazi yasio rasmi na yasiyopangwa na wengi wao wakiwa ni wakazi wa kipato cha chini wanaoishi kwenye maeneo ya hatarishi kukumbwa na mafuriko kama vile maeneo ya mito Kibangu, Msimbazi na mto Ng’ombe.
Hasa kwa watu walio na mazingira magumu, kama wale wanaoishi kwenye mabonde ya mafuriko, uhitaji wa kuwekwa kwenye ramani ni muhimu. Ramani za watu walio kwenye maeneo magumu ni muhimu kwa kuwa inaonyesha uwepo wao, haki zao na mahitaji yao. Kwa kuwapa mafunzo wanafunzi kutengeneza ramani hizi, tunawapa nguvu kama wafanya maamuzi, wapanga miji na wahandisi kwa nyenzo mpya na ujuzi kuhakikisha kuwa wakazi wote wamehesabiwa (wamewekwa kwenye ramani).
“Kuwa kwenye ramani ni kutambulika, ni kufahamika, ni kujulikana, ni kuhesabiwa. Ni dunia kujua kuwa una mahitaji, kwamba una thamani, kwamba una haki” Ivan Gayton

Msimu huu Ramani Huria itatengeneza ramani za kata 44 takribani mitaa 200 inayoathiriwa na mafuriko katika jiji la Dar es Salaam. Kukamilisha hili zaidi ya wanafunzi 400 watapatiwa mafunzo juu ya zana rahisi za kutengeneza ramani. Zoezi hili litafanywa kwa kuandaa mikutano na wanajamii katika mitaa yao na kuwapa fursa ya kueleza maeneo ambayo ni muhimu kwao na yale ambayo yapo katika hatari ya kukumbwa na mafuriko pamoja na visababishi vya mafuriko kwenye miitaa yao. Ripoti kuhusu majaribio ya mikutano hii inapatilkana hapa
Mafunzo yalianzia Chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam, Kitenngo cha teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano (COICT) Kijitonyama. Mwanzoni tulitegemea kupata wanafunzi 350, lakini karibu wanafunzi 600 walijiunga na mafunzo, ilikuwa changamoto kidogo kukidhi idadi hii kubwa ya wanafunzi walioongezeka, hasa kwenye timu ya uongozi, lakini ilifurahisha kuona kunzi kubwa la watu wakiwa na nia ya kujiunga na mradi huu.
Utangulizi wa mradi
Wanafunzi walipata utangulizi wa mradi kutoka kwa mshauri wa uhusiano wa kijamiii wa benki ya dunia Nyambiri Kimacha, ambaye alieleza umuhimu wa mradi ka jamii ambayo inaathiriwa na mafuriko moja kwa moja na wanafunzi ambao wanajifunza teknolojia mpya na nyenzo rahisi za utengenezaji wa ramani, Pia alionyesha shukrani za dhat kwa wanafunzi ambao wamejiunga na mafuzo.
“Inafurahisha kuona wanafunzi wote hawa (600) kuaj pamoja kwa ajili ya kutengeneza ramani kwa ajili ya ustahimilifu wa mafuriko jijini” Nyambiri Kimacha, Mshauri wa masuala ya jamii- Benki ya Dunia.
Meneja wa shirika la HOT Tanzania aliwaeleza wanafunzi juu ya vitu mbalimbali ambavyo Ramani Huria inafanya pamoja na utengenezaji wa Drone (ndege isiyokuwa na rubani kwa ajili ya kupiiga picha za anga), Ramani za mitaro, Kupima mwinuko kutoka usawa wa bahari na masuala mengine ya kuwafikia wanajamii. Aliwasihi wanafunzi kufanya kazi kwa pamoja katika kuusaidia jamii inayokumbwa na mafuriko na kuwahamasisha kujifunza ili kukua kiutashi na kitaaluma.

“Ikiwa umeona watu wangapi wanaathiriwa na mafuriko utafanya ramani ya jumuiya kwa bure! Na kwa shauku. ” Ivan Gayton
Utangulizi wa Programu na nyenzo mbalimbali
Baada ya neno la ukaribisho kutoka HOT na benki ya dunia, wanafunzi walipata utangulizi wa njia mbalimbali tunazotumia katika utengenezaji wa ramani za kijamii, Taarifa huru, na programu huru ambazo Ramani huria inatumia. Walijifunza umuhimu wa kutumia taarifa huru kwenye kupambana na maafa mbalimbali ya kibinaadamu na jinsi gani jumuiya ya kimataifa inayotumia taarifa huru inavyoongezeka. Mifano ya nyezo/ programu huru ambazo Ramani Huria inatumia kwenye ukusanyaji na uchambuzi wa taarifa ni pamoja na OpenDataKit (ODK), OpenMapKit (OMK), QGIS, and JOSM.

Wanafunzi walielekezwa kuhusu OpenstreetMap, Programu ya huru ambayo mtu yeyote anaweza kuingiza taarifa kwa ajili ya matumiza mbalimbali. OSM inaweka taarifa nyingi sana ambazo zinakusanywa na wazawa na wachoraji wa ramani kote duniani.
“Taarifa ya OSM inatokana na jamii, Osm inamilikiwa na jamii, wewe ni moja ya wanajamii, jivunie kuwa sehemu ya jamii hii.” Iddy Chazua- Mtaalam wa GIS.
Tulipata tweets nyingi kutoka kwa wanafunzi ambao waliweka tag #communitymapping kuhusu mafunzo, hizi zilionyesha ni jinsi gani wanafunzi walifurahia kuwa sehemu ya jamii ya OSM.

Baada ya siku ya kwanza ya utangulizi, wanafunzi walihamia kwenye vyumba maalumu kwa ajili ya mafunzo vilivyopo chuuo kikuu cha Ardhi, moja ya wadau wakubwa sana kwenye nradi huuu wa Ramani Huria ambapo wanafunzi wengi wanaotengeneza ramani wanatoka hapo. Wanafunzi waligawanywa kwenye makundi ili kupata mafunzo zaidi. Sasa tuna makundi sita yenye takribani wanafunzi 100, kila kundi likiwa na wanafunzi kutoka taaluma, miaka na jinsia tofauti. Kila kundi liliongozwa na Msamamizi mkuu mmja na wasaidizi watatu
Wiki ya kwanza ya mafunzo wanafunzi walipata mafunzo ya utangulizi ya programu mbalimbali ambazo tunatumia katika utengenezaji wa ramani.
Programu hizi ni pamoja na JOSM, OSM, na HOT Tasking Manager, OpenDataKit (ODK) & OpenMapKit (OMK).

Kutumia ODK na OMK ni njia rahisi ya kukusanya taarifa nyingi kwa kutumia simu ya mkononi na wanafunzi wengi wana simu hizo. Programu hizi (OMK &ODK) zitatumiwa na wanafunzi kukusanya taarifa kwenye mitaa. Wanafunzi mamejifunza kwa vitendo ukausanyaji wa taarifa hizi na wamefunzwa jinsi ya kutengeneza madodoso ili kuwapa uelewa wa jinsi maswali hayo yanavyotengenezwa.

Katika kusherehekea siku ya usafi duniani ambayo itaadhimishwa kwa mara ya kwanza Tanzania tarehe 15 Septemba, Wanafunzi watakusanya taarifa za uchafu kwenye majalala (rasmi au yasiyo rasmi) kwa kutumia programu ya ODK. Ramani huria itakusanya taarifa hizi kwa kushirikiana na mradi wa Nipe Fagio ambayo ni washirika wakuu wa kampeini ya Let’s Do It Global Foundation, kwa kile kinachoitwa “jitihada kubwa zaidi za kiraia zilizo chanya katika historia ya dunia” zenye lengo la kukutanisha asilimia 5 ya watu duniani kwenye siku moja ya ufanyaji usafi, na kuweka mipango ya kufanya dunia kuendelea kuwa safi. Hii itakuwa ni uzoefu wa kwanza kabisa kwa wanafunzi wetu kabla hawajaanza zoezi la utengenezaji wa ramani kwenye kata 44 zinazokumbwa na mafuriko Dar es salaam.
Tutaendelea kuwapa taaarifa zaidi kwa yanayojiri kwa wanafunzi hawa wenye shauku ya utengenezaji wa ramani ili kufanya Dar es salaam kuwa stahimilifu kwenye masuala ya mafuriko.
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