Building Green and Smart Cities Through Youth, Government and Digital Innovation
The Tanzania Resilience Academy is launching a new initiative for Green and Smart Cities, supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The goal of this initiative is to transform urban development through open data, digital innovation, and youth engagement. The initiative will focus on two case studies centered on the cities of Tanga and Mwanza.
The Green and Smart Cities initiative originates from the ProWAS-SASA project, which aims to implement a range of efforts to foster resilient and inclusive urban development. Through these initiatives, the Resilience Academy will facilitate access to digital geospatial data sets and learning resources for educational institutions and government agencies. It will also provide skill-building opportunities for university students, university staff, industry professionals, and local communities, while fostering collaboration among government, universities, and alumni to promote climate resilience.
The Resilience Academy (RA) aims to enhance urban resilience in rapidly changing and risk-prone cities across Africa. It has been working with universities in Tanzania (University of Dar es Salaam, Ardhi University, Sokoine University of Agriculture, State University of Zanzibar and Moshi Cooperative University) to engage local university students and communities in collecting, sharing, and reusing citizen-generated digital geospatial data related to urban climate risks. The RA has championed an innovative model for youth skill development and employment by transforming globally accessible geolocation tools and technologies into impactful local climate resilience solutions.