Resilience Academy Participates in HYSIM Training: Strengthening Water Resource Management Capabilities in Tanga

By Amedeus Kimaro and Msilikale Msilanga Continuous trainings and learning of new tools and technologies to the Government officials is one of those avenues that exposes experts who are working in the government offices to gain skills for decision making in order to make urbanized cities more resilient. The two days training about Hydrological Simulation […]
Industrial training program for the provision of E-learning skills and practical experiences to university students.

Written by Msilikale Msilanga Group photo of University students, university staff, and OMDTZ team. This Month; July 2021, the Resilience Academy is partnering with OMDTZ, The World Bank and other partners to engage university students from UDSM, ARU, SUA and SUZA to participate in the industrial training program. Industrial Training is aimed to equip university […]
Resilience Academy and GeoICT4e training to university experts on e-learning using Digicampus

Skills development On 8th and 9th June 2021, Resilience Academy in collaboration with GeoICT4e coordinated a training to University experts from UDSM, ARU, SUA, SUZA, MoCU, UTU, NOVIA, and TURKU MK to provide skills on e-learning using digicampus. The training was derived from the experiences that Resilience Academy had in preparing the e-learning materials to develop online skills as part of the broader objective to provide skills to University staff […]
Visualisation Challenge 2020 is here!

Resilience Academy is happy to announce that the Visualisation Challenge 2020 has officially been launched. In the Visualisation Challenge 2020, groups of University students compete to create a winning visualisation for geospatial data sets of given topics. A webinar was held on 10th of July where the challenge, as well as the topics of this […]
Research Pilot Survey – Dar es Salaam

150 University Student have Attended Industrial Training

150 University studends have attended the industrial training coordinated by Resilience Academy team. These student are coming from the University partners of Resilience Academy which are University of Dar es Salaam, The State University of Zanzibar as well as the Ardhi University. 150 students are divided in distribution from each University 50 students each. The […]
A Handbook for Community Urban Risk Mapping

The activities undertaken by Ramani Huria over the last four years stood as a model for a Handbook for Community Urban Risk Mapping. By helping communities to map residential areas, roads, streams, floodplains, and other relevant features, projects like Dar Ramani Huria bring disaster prevention and response to areas that were previously off the map, […]
Welcome to the Resilience Academy

⅔ of African residents are in slum areas which are not planned. Since the cities are growing fast in Africa, slums increases to cities in Africa every year. On the other hand, education system in Africa is given based on theory and curriculums which follow imaginations instead of real and practical problems. Therefore, many people […]