Building Green and Smart Cities Through Youth, Government and Digital Innovation

The Tanzania Resilience Academy is launching a new initiative for Green and Smart Cities, supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The goal of this initiative is to transform urban development through open data, digital innovation, and youth engagement. The initiative will focus on two case studies centered on the cities of Tanga […]
Finnish Universities and Tanzanian Partners Create Future Collaborations

Blog by Msilikale Msilanga In a display of international collaboration and educational exchange, a high-level delegation from Finland, comprising the Rectors of the University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, and the Vice Rector of Novia University of Applied Sciences, traveled on a week-long visit to Tanzania. This insightful […]
Industrial training program for the provision of E-learning skills and practical experiences to university students.

Written by Msilikale Msilanga Group photo of University students, university staff, and OMDTZ team. This Month; July 2021, the Resilience Academy is partnering with OMDTZ, The World Bank and other partners to engage university students from UDSM, ARU, SUA and SUZA to participate in the industrial training program. Industrial Training is aimed to equip university […]
Welcome to the Resilience Academy

⅔ of African residents are in slum areas which are not planned. Since the cities are growing fast in Africa, slums increases to cities in Africa every year. On the other hand, education system in Africa is given based on theory and curriculums which follow imaginations instead of real and practical problems. Therefore, many people […]
Mapping for EBOLA in DRC Congo: Creating spatial data sets to help responders in the field

“These people have never been mapped, nobody has ever cared enough about them to even know where their house is. So these houses that you have been tracing today, is the first time that anyone has ever cared enough about those people in that distant part of the Congo enough to know where they live […]
Using Drone Imagery to Generate Flood Inundation Models
Dar es Salaam is the largest city of Tanzania, it has an estimated 5.5 million residents and is also an economic centre for Tanzania and East Africa. Offset with this economic and social importance, Dar es Salaam has a tropical climate, experiencing two rainy seasons in a year (April – May and November – December). These seasons are usually accompanied with high rainfall, with high potential for flooding.
Installing a 3D Printing Weather Station in Tandale
Accurate and precise weather information is critical to preparing for extreme weather events, such as flooding. In Tanzania, the weather forecasts are primarily conducted by the Tanzanian Meteorological Agency (TMA) and are available through their website. But, the forecasts are at a regional level, the question is, how can we get an understanding of weather at a local level?
Creating Worldpop Inasafe Integration
As part of procedures in preparing better plans and risk reductions against natural disasters, Disaster Managers need accurate population data for the affected area. This helps in many ways from determining the scale of the disaster, impact assessment and analysis to planning for disaster resilience.
Mapping Bicycle Routes During Dar es Salaam’s Cycle Caravan
Each year, 5th June marks World Environment Day, a day for raising global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth.
#TanzaniaCfR: Coding for Flood Resilience
Dar es Salaam and Stone Town are the two primary cities of Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, with populations of 5.5 million and 150,000 respectively. Each of these cities and their country have unique challenges and hazards. Dar es Salaam for instance is challenged by bi-annual flooding, impacting many thousands of its citizens every year.