Welcome to the Resilience Academy

Date: April 3, 2019

⅔ of African residents are in slum areas which are not planned. Since the cities are growing fast in Africa, slums increases to cities in Africa every year. On the other hand, education system in Africa is given based on theory and curriculums which follow imaginations instead of real and practical problems. Therefore, many people in Africa access the same education system and therefore do the same way is used to solve African problems especially the increased Cities in Africa. Furthermore, data in Africa is become the unavailable to be used to solve African slums problems because more theory is used and actual data is not used to solve African issues.

Resilience Academy brakes that gape in order to build the skills for young people who are able to use the actual problem available to the real world and to the local community. It helps to use the available tools and technology which are free, cheap and easy to be used by young generation to solve real world problems not using the same ways it is being used before but being knowledgeable to integrate the tools and the problems available within the community and to solve the problem together. Resilience Academy facilitate to fill the gap on data availability through cheap and easy ways to collecting data  and encourage the use of available data for decision making.

Tanzania Resilience Academy is the start of Resilience Academy campaign where universities in Tanzania are working together: 1. to shape the training materials which relate to the problem available in Tanzania, 2. to collect the new data and collect existing data which have been collected before and organise them into one geospatial platform to allow easy access, easy use and easy contribute from all the local sectors especially the young researchers and 3. to create the ecosystem which is exposed to understand the importance of existing problems in Tanzania and the use of cheap, easy and free tools available so that data can be  generated and updated according the need and create the Cities which are resilient across the country.

Tanzania Resilience Academy was launched to the four university in Tanzania which are University of Dar es Salaam, Ardhi University, State University of Zanzibar and Sokoine University of Agriculture with the large international university network such as University of Turku, Delft University, University of Twente, etc. With the aim of deploying of Tanzania Resilience Academy by developing open access education and training materials which will match with the real problem in Tanzania, Coordinate the development of climate risk geodatabase which give more opportunity for university network and other stakeholder to visualise, access, update as well as use the updated and relevant data in order to make the cities in Tanzania more resilience.

We welcome all to support this initiatives which began in Tanzania but expands further in African Countries.

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